“In this new wave of technology, you can’t do it all yourself, you just have to form wise alliances” –   CS Helu  

‘Collecting debts in the current financial environment can be an expensive and time consuming process. Thanks to innovative communications technologies developed here in Australia, there are tools available to automate most facets of the collections process.  Using automated telephone and SMS based channels helps to lessen the hard labor cost needed to get in touch with all the outstanding debtors you might have whilst fulfilling your obligations under the Australian Consumer Credit Code.

Consider how much time and money you may have spent trying to reach your debtors—costs that take away from your overall profit. Your collections staff are essentially wasting time speaking to answering machines, hitting engaged lines and chasing debtors that are never available due to shift work or avoidance. Newly developed communications platform provides three completely automated methods of communication to help you with your debt collection strategy.

Your customers may prove hard to reach when they know they have a debt to settle; that’s why using new technology – multiple cooperating communication channels to increase your reach is a smart way forward in debt collecting. This newly developed communications strategy that can take your debt collection efforts to another level. Why waste time and money on old-fashioned and outdated methods when you can use modern and more effective ways that have proven very successful? Think about how many people don’t answer your calls that you could reach through a simple SMS message. Using a two-way capability, debtors can even respond to your messages to receive payment details or request more information.

Voice broadcast platform gives you the ability to call literally any – fixed line or mobile. Like any debtor phone call, you are likely to hit a few answering machines and with voice system you can automatically leave a customized voice message. Debtors will receive a message with their own specific arrears amounts, payment reference numbers or anything else you’d like to leave. They can then call you back at their convenience thus turning your collections team into an inbound call centre instead of constantly having to chase customers.’

Courtesy of Reachtel