5 Tips for Preventing and Dealing with Non-Paying Clients

Courtesy of Small Business Success Blog  Late or non-paying clients are a hard fact of business. Small businesses in particular are vulnerable because they lack the accounting and legal resources to deal with these customers, with collections ...

7 Effective Bad Debt Risk Management Steps for Your Business

“Diligence is the mother of good fortune. ” – Benjamin Disraeli  The best thing you can do for your business cash flow is to have in place an effective bad debt risk management policies and procedures.  This would allow you to ...

Debt Recovery – Benefits of Outsourcing Professionals

“I must govern the clock, not be governed by it. ” – Golda Meir    Why chase bad debts yourself when you can have a debt management expert doing the work for you?  These days, outsourcing debt collecting professional can ...

Small Business – 3 Credit Management ‘Must Haves’

“A man is usually more careful of his money than of his principles” – Oliver Wendell Holmes  If you’re a business owner or someone who is involved in business accounting, you know how hectic the last month of the financial year could ...

Some Interesting Facts in Debt Collecting

“The best way to learn facts is by failing” – unknown  If you are doing your own business debt collecting, you might be surprised to learn the following facts from the inside debt collecting industry. 20% of your clients/customers  make ...

Debt Collecting – Frequently Asked Questions & Answers (Part 2)

“To always develop and grow, I’m always asking questions.”    Q Why would my small business need a Credit Control System, when my business turnover is not very big, Isn’t this kind of professional approach only for much ...

Using Psychology in Debt Collection Letters

“It takes two to write a letter as much as it takes two to make a quarrel”. – Elizabeth Drew  Continuation of “How to Write a Perfect Debt Collecting Letter or Email?” (Part 2) Putting the writing style on the side, debt ...

How to Write a Perfect Debt Collecting Letter or Email?

“The secret of many a man’s success in the world resides in his insight into the moods of men and his tact in dealing with them.” – JG Holland  If you have ever received a debt collecting reminder letter or email, I am ...

How to Connect with a Customer when Debt Collecting?

“Forget about the sales you hope to make and concentrate on the service you want to render”. – Harry Bullis   Customer Service in Debt Collecting Here are 13 simple but powerful rules to follow in order to properly connect to a ...

20/80 Rule In Debt Collecting – Pay Attention

“Discipline is not the cage, discipline is the key.” – Denver M Lane  Debt Collecting Techniques Have you ever heard of the 20/80 rule? It is basically a rule that shows that eighty percent of the output comes from twenty ...

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