What’s your personal experience with being rejected? How do you respond to being rejected? What are the feelings you experience when rejected? Do these feelings affect you in your day to day life; does rejection affect your self esteem? Let me guess, if you are honest with yourself the answer to all of the above…
“I take rejection as someone blowing a bugle in my ear to wake me up and get going, rather than retreat” – Sylvester Stallone Recently I read an interesting article about rejection that made me stop and think for a moment. Why is rejection so painful? In his article Mr Harvey says, “It is…
“The best way to learn facts is by failing” – unknown If you are doing your own business debt collecting, you might be surprised to learn the following facts from the inside debt collecting industry. 20% of your clients/customers make 80% of your debt collections – this is a well known Pareto Principle. As a…
Courtesy of Praxis Now “The subconscious mind is more powerful than we think, and it can either limit or empower financial success.” So the question is, what are you focusing on most of the time? What is your chief aim, your magnificent obsession? What financial or business vision is so powerful and inspiring in your…
Courtesy of Praxis Now “You become what you think about most.” – Earl Nightingale Shifting your Financial Paradigm “Current scientific evidence strongly suggests that your constant focus on financial success can actually change your brain. In their book, How God Changes Your Brain1, researchers Andrew Newberg and Mark Waldman state that, “. . . the…
‘Want to boost your self-esteem? Then pile up on the debt.’ ‘This is a surprising claim made by a new study which says young adults who saddle themselves with debt will feel empowered and feel better about themselves. “Debt can be a good thing for young people – it can help them achieve goals that…